Features Health Inequalities Healthcare Mental health

Diagnosed and sent on my way

Instead of my lack of energy being seen as evidence of mental illness, it was, to them, evidence that I wasn’t serious about being trans. Surely if I was trans, I would try harder to look like a man, even if I was incredibly ill?

Autism Features Lived Experience Mental health

I’d rather be this’d than missed

I’ve known some online forms to literally only give 2 options for gender. It’s paralysing. Hovering over those two alien concepts. It’s almost worse when they add a third, ‘prefer not to say’ choice. As though anyone who doesn’t fit neatly into one of the binary options should be embarrassed about it; as if it’s something we must want to hide. No, I DON’T ‘prefer not to say’; I prefer to have my enbyness recognised.

Features Lived Experience Mental health

On silver linings

I’m not a stranger to avoiding leaving the house or shunning social gatherings. As a trans man waiting for top surgery, my dysphoria hit a peak and my mental health hit a low. Recently divorced, I found myself living alone for the first time in my life. This wasn’t exactly a winning combination of factors.

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