- British Social Attitudes report: Key findings on Britain’s shifting identities and attitudes
- Britons and Gender Identity Navigating Common Ground and Division
- Census topic research
- Fit For Purpose: inclusive housing and social care for older LGBTQ+ people
- Gym use and changing rooms: the illegality and chilling effect of (trans)gender segregation
- Incognito Mode: The Reality of LBT+ Women & Femmes’ Sexual & Reproductive Health (2024)
- International Olympic Committee Position Statement on Transgender Athletes
- “Invisible in the Most Tragic of Ways”: Exploring Internalized Transphobia and Coping Through Photovoice
- Levelling The Field Research (LTF) Project (2024) – the first major research project to look broadly at the experiences of trans people of colour in the UK
- More trans people hiding identity at work than five years ago — report
- New report tells us how the public actually feel about trans people
- Non-binary people’s experiences in Scotland: evidence review
- Scottish Trans and Non-binary Experiences Report (2024)
- Sexual orientation and gender identity in the medical profession
- Stonewall facts and figures – mental health, employment, harrassment, discrimination
- The data is clear: most people are supportive of trans rights
- The illusion of inclusion? LGBTQ+ staff experience in healthcare
- The struggle of trans and gender-diverse persons
- “Trans employee experiences survey: Understanding the trans community in the workplace” (2021)
- Trans People and Work in Scotland
- AB v Gender Recognition Panel [2024] EWHC 1456 (Fam)
- Amnesty International: Freedom of Speech
- APPG LGBT+ Chair’s Statement on the Government’s Response to the GRA Consultation
- Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights 2024 Issue Paper on “Human rights and gender identity and expression”
- Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2020
- EHRC: Gender reassignment discrimination
- Employment Tribunal Judgement: Forstater
- Enforcing the Equality Act: the law and the role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission: Government and Equality and Human Rights Commission Responses to the Committee’s Tenth Report of Session 2017–19
- Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice Services, public functions and associations Statutory Code of Practice
- Equality and Human Rights Commission: Attitudes to transgender people
- Expert Blog: Analysing the GRA consultation: reflections by the analysis team
- Galop Hate Crime Report 2020
- Gender Recognition Act – Analysis of consultation responses
- General info on non-binary recognition – Scottish Equal Recognition Campaign
- Government Equalities Office Update – Statement made on 22 September 2020
- Held Back: Poverty of LGBTQI Refugees
- Introducing third legal gender option popular with majority of trans and non-binary people, research shows
- LGBT Consortium – Factfile on GRA and GRA reform
- LGBT people’s experiences of homelessness
- Living Free and Equal – UN Human Rights guidance with best practice guidelines and case studies
- Ministry of Justice: The Care and Management of Individuals who are Transgender (2019 – NOT CURRENT)
- Ministry of Justice: The care and management of individuals who are transgender (2024)
- Ministry of Justice: The Care and Management of Transgender Prisoners (PRE 2019 – NOT CURRENT)
- National Offender Management Service: Offender Equalities Report 2017
- Potential impacts of GRA reform for cisgender women: trans women’s inclusion in women-only spaces and services
- Scottish Government Non-binary equality action plan
- Scottish Government Non–binary equality action plan 2023-2028: progress report 2024
- State of Play: SOGIESC protections in the Council of Europe region (ILGA Europe)
- The Gender Recognition Act Discussion (February 2018)
- Trans* policy, politics and research: The UK and Portugal
- Transcript of debate 21st November 2018 – on issues around GRA reform
- TRANSforming Futures: Criminal Justice Report
- UK Parliament: Written evidence on the Reform of the Gender Recognition Act
- UN Declaration of Human Rights
- UN Rights of The Child
- YouGov: Where does the British public stand on transgender rights? 2020 report, 2022 report, 2024/25 report
- Women and Equalities Committee Transgender Equality First Report of Session 2015–16
- Written Statement: Statement of support for Wales’ Trans Communities
- Yogyakarta Principles – outline a range of human rights in relation to LGBT+ people
- 2020 Conversion Therapy and Gender Identity Survey
- A narrative review of literature on the use of health and social care by older trans adults: what can United Kingdom services learn?
- An analysis of all applications for sex reassignment surgery in Sweden, 1960-2010: prevalence, incidence, and regrets
- An Exploratory Study to Describe Transgender People with HIV Who Accessed Medicaid and Their Viral Suppression Over Time in New York City, 2013–2017
- Analysis of public consultation on proposed service specifications for specialised Gender Identity Services for Adults
- Antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid health benefits of COC containing newer progestogens: dienogest and drospirenone
- APA Resolution on Gender Identity Change Efforts
- Attitudes of transgender men and non-binary people to cervical screening: a cross-sectional mixed-methods study in the UK
- BAGIS Healthcare Standards: Recommended Minimum Standards for Provision and Commissioning of Gender Affirming Care in the UK
- Barriers to health faced by transgender and non-binary black and minority ethnic people
- Bell v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 3274: Weighing current knowledge and uncertainties in decisions about gender-related treatment for transgender adolescents
- BMA Gender incongruence in Primary Care
- Broken Systems: the abandonment of trans masculine genital surgery in the UK and issues for patient safety
- Comparison data: Study on satisfaction with GRS
- Comparison data: Study on satisfaction with hip replacement
- Comparison data: Study on satisfaction with knee surgery
- Comparison data: Study on satisfaction with prostate removal
- Comparison data: Study on satisfaction with reconstruction after mastectomy for cancer
- Daily Experiences of Minority Stress and Mental Health in Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals
- Democratising diagnoses? The role of the depathologisation perspective in constructing corporeal trans citizenship
- Demographic characteristics, long-term health conditions and healthcare experiences of 6333 trans and non-binary adults in England: nationally representative evidence from the 2021 GP Patient Survey
- Discrimination and suicide risk among transgender and gender-diverse adults: The moderating roles of self-compassion, self-coldness, and gender identity.
- Endocrine Society Position on Transgender Health
- Ethnic Inequalities in Healthcare: A Rapid Evidence Review
- Experiences and Perceptions of Trans and Gender Non-Binary People Regarding Their Psychosocial Support Needs: A Systematic Review of the Qualitative Research Evidence
- Factors predictive of regret in sex reassignment
- Factsheet on Trans men in the HIV response
- From erasure to opportunity: a qualitative study of the experiences of transgender men around pregnancy and recommendations for providers
- Gender Identity Healthcare Protocol for Scotland
- General Medical Council Trans Healthcare Guidance
- GMC Guidance on Prescribing unlicensed medicines
- GMC: Trans healthcare
- Good practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of adults with gender dysphoria (2013)
- Guidance for GPs about trans patients
- Gulp: Highlighting LGBTQIA+ experiences of eating disorders (Zine)
- Health and Gender Affirmation in NSW: Informed Consent
- Health and Social Care and LGBT Communities
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland: Gender identity healthcare services standards
- Hidden Figures: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on LGBT Communities
- HIV WHO Consolidated Guidelines: A Smart Guide for Trans and Gender Diverse Communities
- How can we meet the support needs of LGBT cancer patients in oncology? A systematic review
- Improving the integration of care for trans adults: ICTA a mixed-methods study
- Improving health equity for patients living with cancer and/or blood disorders
- Information for trans and non-binary people: NHS Screening Programmes
- Informed consent
- Informed Consent Model for Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy
- Journal of Dementia Care: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Special Edition (2023)
- LGBTI+ in the Commonwealth in the COVID-19 Era
- Long-Term Regret and Satisfaction With Decision Following Gender-Affirming Mastectomy
- Men, trans/masculine, and non-binary people’s experiences of pregnancy loss: an international qualitative study
- NHS Oxford University Hospitals Guidance on Unlicensed and “Off-label” Medicines
- NHS Scotland Gender Identity Clinics: Waiting Times for First Outpatient Consultation
- Ovarian cancer information for transgender, intersex and non-binary people
- Patients’ guide to phalloplasty
- Perinatal Care for Trans and Nonbinary People Birthing in Heteronormative “Maternity” Services: Experiences and Educational Needs of Professionals
- Postoperative Regret Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Recipients of Gender-Affirming Surgery
- Posttraumatic Stress in the Trans Community: The Roles of Anti-Transgender Bias, Non-Affirmation, and Internalized Transphobia
- Policy Brief on Effective Inclusion of Trans Men in the Global HIV and Broader Health and Development Responses
- Prescribing for Transgender and Non-Binary Children, Adolescents and Adult patients
- Progesterone Is Important for Transgender Women’s Therapy—Applying Evidence for the Benefits of Progesterone in Ciswomen
- Providing Affirmative Care for Patients with Non-binary Gender Identities
- Regret after Gender-affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence
- Removing transgender identity from the classification of mental disorders: a Mexican field study for ICD-11
- Sex reassignment: outcomes and predictors of treatment for adolescent and adult transsexuals
- Special Issue of International Journal of Transgenderism Trans pregnancy: Fertility, reproduction and body autonomy
- Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People
- Study on mental health of trans adults
- TGEU Guidelines to Human Rights Based Trans specific Healthcare
- The Clare Project: Medical Transition Tips by and for trans, non-binary and intersex people
- The Role(s) Transgender Adults Want General Practice to Have in Their Healthcare: A Qualitative Study in Southeast England
- The Use of Whole Exome Sequencing in a Cohort of Transgender Individuals to Identify Rare Genetic Variants
- Trans broken arm syndrome: A mixed-methods exploration of gender-related medical misattribution and invasive questioning
- Trans health and Covid-19: Summary Report 2021
- Trans Pregnancy: An International Exploration of Transmasculine Practices of Reproduction
- TRANSforming Futures: Healthcare Report
- Transgender Care Knowledge and Skills Framework – NHS Education for Scotland
- TransLucent GIC report
- Waltham Study: Possible Breakthrough For Transgender Families
- What does the scholarly research say about the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being?
- Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for trans and gender diverse children and adolescents
- European Parliament – report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU
- Exclusionary bathroom policies harm transgender students
- Global Attitudes Toward Transgender People
- ILGA Annual Review 2020
- ILGA World: Trans Legal Mapping Report
- ILGA-Europe Annual Review
- Ireland GRA Annual Report 2016
- Irish Gender Recognition Act
- Legal gender recognition in the EU: The journeys of trans people towards full equality
- Maltese Gender Recognition Act
- Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity – UN General Assembly
- Swiss Parliament passes LGR based on self-determination
- Tasmania Law Reform Institute: Legal Recognition of Sex and Gender
- The authorities’ refusal to legally recognise a change of gender identity in the absence of surgery breached the Convention
- Trans Pathways Report – Mental health in Australia
- WPATH guidance on gender recognition and trans rights
- Bullying, harassment and discrimination of LGBT people in the workplace – TUC report
- Conversion Therapy Online: The Players
- Developing a national barometer of prejudice and discrimination in Britain
- Ditch the Label: Exposed the scale of transphobia online
- From America with Hate
- Mapping Anti-Gender Movements in the UK Report
- Mermaids’ research into newspaper coverage on trans issues
- Recognizing, Documenting and Addressing Anti-Gender Opposition Toolkit document
- Response and responsibility: Mainstream media and Lucy Meadows in a post-Leveson context
- TERF wars: An introduction
- The Impact of Anti-Gender Opposition: Global and Regional Reports documents
- Turning The Tide: A Toolkit to Combat Anti-Gender Extremism
- A critical commentary on follow-up studies and “desistance” theories about transgender and gender-nonconforming children
- Age at First Experience of Gender Dysphoria Among Transgender Adults Seeking Gender-Affirming Surgery
- Association of Media Coverage of Transgender and Gender Diverse Issues With Rates of Referral of Transgender Children and Adolescents to Specialist Gender Clinics in the UK and Australia
- Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Adolescents’ Healthcare Experiences, Avoidance, and Well Visits
- Child rights in trans healthcare – a call to action
- Chosen Name Use Is Linked to Reduced Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicidal Behavior Among Transgender Youth
- Clinical Commissioning Policy: Prescribing of Cross-Sex Hormones as part of the Gender Identity Development Service for Children and Adolescents
- Clinical management of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents: the Dutch approach
- Commissioning Medicines for Children in Specialised Services
- Continuation of gender-affirming hormones in transgender people starting puberty suppression in adolescence: a cohort study in the Netherlands
- Decision Support Needs for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth and Families: A Patient-Centered Needs Assessment
- Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline
- Gendered Intelligence – Guidance on Working With Young Trans People
- Guide for parents of trans children
- Homophobia, conversion therapy, and care models for trans youth: defending the gender-affirmative approach
- How Many Adults and Youth Identify as Transgender in the United States?
- Interrogating Gender-Exploratory Therapy
- “It’s like my kid came back overnight”: Experiences of trans and non-binary young people and their families seeking, finding and engaging with clinical care in England
- Is puberty delaying treatment ‘experimental treatment’?
- Lives in a chiaroscuro. Should we suspend the puberty of children with gender identity disorder?
- Longitudinal study into blocker usage for precocious puberty
- Long-term effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in girls with central precocious puberty
- Medical intervention in transgender adolescents appears to be safe and effective
- Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities
- Methodological Critique of Littman’s (2018) Parental-Respondents Accounts of “Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria”
- National Education Union – Guidance on supporting young trans people
- Off-Label Medication use in Children, More Common than We Think: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- Puberty suppression and executive functioning: An fMRI-study in adolescents with gender dysphoria
- Research on mental health of socially transitioned young people in comparison to those who haven’t transitioned
- Short-term outcomes of pubertal suppression in a selected cohort of 12 to 15 year old young people with persistent gender dysphoria in the UK
- Similarity in transgender and cisgender children’s gender development
- Stonewall school report – mental health, bullying, discrimination, education
- Supporting LGBTQ+ children and young people – RCPH principle statement
- The experiences of transgender and non-binary children and young people and their parents in healthcare settings in England, UK: Interviews with members of a family support group
- The Trevor Project 2024 United Kingdom Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ+ Young People
- The use of unlicensed medicines or licensed medicines for unlicensed applications in paediatric practice
- Trailblazing the gender revolution? Young people’s understandings of gender diversity through generation and social change
- Trans Equality in Schools
- Trans young people much more likely to say they’re lonely ‘all the time’, according to new data
- Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior, Pediatrics
- “We Just Think of Her as One of the Girls”: Applying a Trans Inclusion Staged Model to the Experiences of Trans Children and Youth in UK Primary and Secondary Schools
- When “desisters” aren’t: De-desistance in childhood and adolescent gender dysphoria – Zinnia Jones
- WPATH, EPATH, USPATH, AsiaPATH, CPATH, AusPATH, PATHA Response to Bell v. Tavistock Judgment