Healthcare Press Releases and Statements

TransActual response to the updated WPATH Standards of Care

TransActual welcomes the majority of recommendations in the 8th version of WPATH’s standards of care. The new version, on the whole, represents progress in attitudes towards trans people and our […]

Features Healthcare History Lived Experience

Gender Identity Clinics: Genesis and Unoriginal Sin

Giving evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee on 8 September 2015, Dr John Dean authoritatively summarised the genesis of gender identity clinics [GICs]: 

“there is quite considerable diversity of opinion between different clinicians and different clinics. All seven gender clinics in England arose out of the special interest of an individual a long time in the past. There has not been a lot of planning of their development, and there certainly is no training pathway for medical practitioners or others who work in this field.” [1]

Who were these individuals ‘a long time in the past’, how did they come to define the lives of trans people, and why are GICs such a focus of criticism from the patients they exist to serve?

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