
Revolution couldn’t be more relevant

The Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions is the queerest thing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen some very queer things. It was unconventional – I’ve never seen someone play a wine glass live on stage before, nor will I look at paper the same way again – but that’s only part of what made it so queer.

Media News Transphobia

BBC Cover-up?

It began with a piece on October 26 headlined lesbians pressured into sex by some trans women. There’s no demographic whose every member is pure as the driven snow. That is why we do not expect to read screeds based on dubious surveys by hate groups setting out the argument of that same hate group. Would the BBC run a story alleging some cis women are pressured into sex by lesbians?

Features Lived Experience Media Positivity

My journey into broadcast media

Local Radio broadcasting is a perfect venue to share that knowledge and experience. My programme, ‘The Rachel Oliver Show’, on Sonder Radio Manchester is firmly aimed at the transgender community and specifically with our allies and friends in mind. It’s a station essentially for the mature population of over 50s and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

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