NHS England review of adult gender services: what you need to know

NHS England are currently reviewing adult gender services, here’s what you need to know.

NHS England have told us that the review consists of:

  • A review of the NHS adult gender dysphoria clinics in England
  • A review of the existing service specification (informed by this consultation and the review of adult gender dysphoria clinics)
  • A consultation on an updated non-surgical service specification.
  • A review of the evidence around hormone therapy for trans people.
  • A consultation on a new national policy on masculinising and feminising hormones.

NHS England’s page on the review of adult gender dysphoria services

NHS England tell us that at the end of the review there will be:

  • An updated service specification for NHS non-surgical gender care for adults in England.
  • A national policy on masculinising and feminising hormones.
  • A service improvement plan for NHS England adult gender services.
  • A workforce plan for NHS adult gender services in England.
  • A plan (hopefully) to increase the capacity of NHS adult gender services in England.
  • October to December 2024 – independent review team, led by Dr Levy, visited NHS England gender clinics
  • November 2024stakeholder consultation on the existing non-surgical service specification for NHS England adult gender clinics
  • December 2024launch of a survey for: people under the care of an NHS England gender clinic or who have been seen by an NHS England gender clinic in the past 5 years; friends and family members of those people; staff that work or have worked at an NHS England gender clinic.

Expected in January – March 2025:

  • Report into the responses to the survey.
  • Reports on each of the NHS England gender clinics
  • An overall report of the findings of the independent review into the clinics.
  • Review of the evidence around hormone therapy for trans people.

Later in 2025:

  • Consultation a draft version of the updated non-surgical service specification.
  • Publication of the updated non-surgical service specification.
  • Consultation on a new national policy on masculinising and feminising hormones.
  • Publication of the national policy on masculinising and feminising hormones.

There has also been a lot of talk about an 18-25s ‘follow through’ gender service. We are seeking clarity on what this will be and who it will be for.

TransActual’s view on NHS England Adult Gender Services Review Survey

TransActual response to NHS England’s Stakeholder Consultation on the adult gender dysphoria (non-surgical) service specification

TransActual are part of the Trans Healthcare Coalition, a group of organisations and individuals all working together on issues related to NHS England’s review of adult gender services.

TransActual’s work around the review of transition related care is currently funded entirely by your donations. You can support our efforts to protect and improve trans people’s care by donating – either on a monthly basis or even as a one off.

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