TransActual have now submitted our response to NHS England’s Stakeholder Consultation on the existing adult gender dysphoria (non-surgical) service specification. Read TransActual’s full response TransActual’s work around the review of […]
Tag: healthcare
The announcement of an NHS review into healthcare for trans adults causes us great concern. We have seen how the Cass Review has been misrepresented and misused to severely restrict […]
TransActual condemns the new NHS England policy to stop commissioning puberty blockers for trans young people. This is a cruel new element of the war on trans youth. It will […]
TransActual are looking to publish a book in 2024 that will help the public to reconnect with actual trans people.

Calls for more funding are an understandable and desperate plea for improvements to the only system we’ve known. But funneling more money into a system which continues to fail us is not the answer.

We are glad to see an announcement from the government today, but the contents of the announcement are disappointing. The changes are minimal. Of course, we are happy that steps will be taken to address the cost of obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate and there will be a move to reduce some of the bureaucracy involved in the application process.