Our work

TransActual are a trans led and run advocacy, education and empowerment organisation. We create resources for the trans community and those seeking to support us, offer training and consultancy, meet with politicians, policy makers and journalists, consult with the trans and non-binary communities and work collaboratively with other organisations.

We always have on a number of ongoing projects, but here are just some examples of the work we did in 2024. Check back later in the year to find out what else we’ve been up to!

Ongoing work

  • Convening and co-ordinating the Trans Health Forum.
  • Working with partners in and beyond the LGBTQ+ sector.
  • Delivering 13 workshops for trans people, which were attended by 160 people in total. 100% of respondents to our follow up survey told us they’d recommend the workshop to a friend.
  • Providing consultancy and training on trans inclusion and on trans inclusive healthcare.
  • Publishing 17 new feature articles on our website, with a particular emphasis on the lived experiences of Black trans people, trans People of Colour, and disabled, chronically ill or neurodivergent trans people.
  • Continuing to provide reliable and up to date information on healthcare and the law for trans people and trans allies. Providing accurate and relevant information on trans-inclusive healthcare for healthcare professionals. Our website has had more than 127,000 visitors this year.
  • Providing information and signposting to more than 100 individual trans people that had contacted us via social media or e-mail.
  • Providing information for trans people and our allies via our social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Mastodon, BlueSky, Threads and Twitter/X (note: we are winding down our Twitter/X account due to ongoing issues with targeted harassment). Across our social media channels, we have 66,595+ followers and had more than 4.5million impressions on our social media posts. 478 people receive the TransActual newsletter.
  • Activities to develop TransActual as a stable and sustainable organisation.
  • Working to improve the experience of volunteers at TransActual and to ensure they feel like part of our team.

TransActual in 2024

Consultation responses and evidence submissions

Electoral Commission report on the 2024 UK Parliamentary general election and the May 2024 elections
HSSIB – Mental health inpatient settings: Creating conditions for the delivery of safe and therapeutic care to adults

NHS England Stakeholder Consultation on adult gender (non-surgical) service specification

Responded to the DHSC’s stakeholder consultation on the puberty blocker ban.

Provided verbal evidence to the Commission on Human Medicines in relation to the puberty blocker ban.

Joint statements and letters

Open letter to Wes Streeting re: the Cass Review

Joint Statement in response to the continued criminal ban on puberty blockers


Summary report on GP refusal to prescribe HRT

Just Fair’s The right to health in the UK (contribution)

Events and public speaking

TransActual had a stall at the RCGP Annual Conference

Workshops for trans people as part of the Meet Us, Hear Us campaign

Meet Us, Hear Us campaign launch and day of action in Parliament

Chay Brown presented at the International Papillomavirus Conference

TransActual had a stall at the UNISON LGBT+ conference and delivered a workshop for delegates

Chay Brown co-facilitated a workshop at National Voices’ Unconference

TransActual co-facilitated a workshop at the TUC Trade Unions For Trans Rights network event

Delivered two ‘Seeking Support from Your GP’ workshops, which had a total of 53 attendees.


Diva: Open letter issued to Health Secretary by trans community

QueerAF: Revealed: Over 200 Transgender patients have been refused hormone care by GPs

GCN: Hundreds of trans people denied hormone replacement therapy by UK GPs, report shows

The Independent: GPs halting transgender patients’ hormone treatment or refusing prescriptions, investigation reveals

What The Trans: GP refusals to prescribe and the review of adult gender services

Daily Mail: Article about the phalloplasty and metoidioplasty legal case

The Telegraph article about the phalloplasty and metoidioplasty legal case

Diva: TransActual are holding an event to help trans people talk to MPs – Here’s how to take part

What The Trans: Interview about Meet Us, Hear Us day of action

Metro: Ban on puberty blockers for trans under-18s ‘is unconscionable’, campaigners say

Byline Times: ‘Wes Streeting’s Regressive Ban on Puberty Blockers is a Betrayal of Trans People’

BBC News: Puberty blockers for under-18s banned indefinitely


Referenced in the International Men’s Day Parliamentary debate

Joint statements and letters

Joint LGBTQ+ sector letter to new Prime Minister

Judicial Review

Judicial Review on the puberty blocker ban

Live reporting from the Judicial Review hearing

Resources and guidance

Meet your MP

Write to your MP

Press and media

Civil Service World: Transgender civil servants report rise in bullying, harassment and discrimination

The Independent: Ex-health secretary ‘overruled officials’ with puberty blockers ban, court told

Podcast: Chay Brown on Politics Social’s The Intersection

Events and public speaking

Attended Trans Pride Brighton, Trans Pride Manchester, London Trans+ Pride and Liverpool Trans Pride

Maryam Din (they/she) spoke at Notts Trans Pride

Chay Brown (he/him) spoke at Trans Pride Manchester

Chay Brown (he/him) spoke at Liverpool Trans Pride

Attended the LGBTQ+ sector networking brunch – Labour Party Conference fringe event.

Joint statements and letters

Joint statement on the NHS Constitution consultation

Joint statement urging the Department of Health and Social Care to pause the NHS Constitution consultation process

Joint Statement on proposals to amend the Equality Act 2010

Healthcare policy

Briefing on the Cass Review

Initiation of legal proceedings to challenge the ban on puberty blockers

Guidance on responding to the NHS constitution consultation

Response to the NHS constitution consultation

Formation of the Trans Healthcare Coalition – a coalition to work collaboratively on matters relating to adult transition related care


Trans Inclusive Healthcare? Report

National Voices’ English literacy as a barrier to participation in clinical trials (contribution)

Resources and guidance

Trans Inclusive Hospital Care

My GP is refusing to prescribe HRT: What can I do?

Events and public speaking

Chay Brown spoke on a panel about progressing trans rights at TUC LGBT+ Conference

Chay Brown spoke at KCL’s Towards Equitable Futures: Reimagining Trans Health and Social Care webinar

Focus On: Trans Health Webinar attended by 85 healthcare professionals, 100% of survey respondents said they’d recommend a TransActual webinar to a friend or colleague.


Pink News: UK government’s ban on private puberty blockers to be challenged by trans advocacy group

The Guardian: Campaigners mount legal challenge against puberty blockers ban in Britain

Diva: TransActual set to challenge the ban on puberty blockers in court

Joint statements

Supportive Schools Campaign

Consultation responses and evidence submissions

Communications and Digital Committee’s inquiry, The future of news: impartiality, trust and technology – joint response with Trans Media Watch

Response to consultation on Referral pathway for specialist service for children and young people with gender incongruence

Response to consultation on DfE Guidance for Schools and Colleges on Gender Questioning Children

Response to Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s consultation on Gender identity healthcare services standards


Proud Changemakers Podcast: How charities are responding to online hate


Co-facilitated a workshop on transition related healthcare at the TUC’s Trade Union Trade Union Alliance for Trans and Non-Binary Rights February meeting.

Chay Brown spoke at a Parliamentary briefing event on transition related healthcare.

Focus On: Trans Health Webinar attended by 100 healthcare professionals, 90% of survey respondents said they’d recommend a TransActual webinar to a friend or colleague.

TransActual shortlisted for a British Diversity Award in the Charity or Not-For-Profit of the Year category.

TransActual publish What Do I Need To Know About Surgery? A guide for trans people

TransActual in 2024: Our year in numbers

Video alt text

Video with various graphics and animated writing. The text says:

TransActual 2024 in numbers.

40 volunteers.

5 directors.

3 part-time staff.

66 regular donors.

144 community workshop attendees.

750+ healthcare professionals.

330+ copies of transitions: unheard stories posted.

5 new resources.

1 research report.

10 evidence submissions.

1 legal challenge.

20 parliamentary briefings.

5 prides attended.

140 funding Sunday posts.

136k website visits in the last 6 months.

52k+ followers (we don’t count Twitter).

533 newsletter subscribers.

Thanks for your support. Find out more: transactual.org.uk/our-work.

Last updated:

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