Easy actions you can take
Time for action
It might seem like creating positive change for trans people is an enormous task or that you need to be an expert or hold some sort of political power to be able to bring change about. The power of the trans community and our allies comes from collaboration and collective action. Together we can bring about the change we want to see in the world. Together we can make life better for trans people.
This page is full of ideas of things you could do, whether you’ve got 10 minutes or 10 hours.
If you have 10 minutes…
The easiest action you can take is to keep yourself informed about trans rights and inform your friends and family of what they can do to create positive change for trans people. An easy first step is to share this page.
Signing petitions about issues important to trans people is also a simple and quick action you can take and usually takes no longer than a minute to do so. Sharing to social media also helps expand the impact of the petition and ensures more people see the current efforts to bring about trans rights.
If you see that a company isn’t offering options for gender neutral pronouns, or you are unsure if they provide options, tag the company in a social media post asking them if they offer options for gender neutral pronouns and titles. Use #IncludeMx if they don’t offer gender neutral options on their forms and #MxIncluded if they do. This is a simple but effective way of building an appetite for including gender neutral options in more critical spaces such as passports, driving licenses and gender recognition certificates. The Include Mx campaign is fantastic – you can follow them at @Include_Mx.
If you’re able to, donate to support the work of trans led organisations. Donations to TransActual are always welcome and you can even set up a monthly direct debit. Be sure to look out for trans fundraisers by following our social media feeds every #FundingSunday and by checking the links on our featured content page.
If you have 60 minutes…
Actively learn about trans issues yourself. Sharing and educating people is a good start, but being an active ally is also tackling your own biases and informing yourself. Follow trans rights groups and trans people on social media. Make sure you listen to the voices of trans BPOC and disabled trans people.
Here are some useful reading lists:
Writing to your MP is invaluable. It’s the best way to inform them of your concerns and educate them on the issues impacting trans people (or anything else for that matter).
You can write to them by post or by email. Use the parliamentary website to find your MP’s contact details.
Top tips
- Ask your MP to get in touch with you to tell you what they’ve done in response to your letter.
- MPs receive a lot of letters, so make sure you write less than a page of A4.
- Include your name and address so that the MP knows you’re their constituent.
- Be clear about the action(s) you would like the MP to take.
- Talk about your own experiences as a trans person (or the experiences of local trans people, if you’re cis).
- Consider your MP’s sensibilities and choose an angle that will talk to them. For example, writing about the impact of transphobic discrimination on your career prospects would be more likely to resonate with an MP that speaks about the importance of ‘social mobility’. You can check their voting record at TheyWorkForYou.
Use our template letter for inspiration.
After you’ve written
MPs are busy so it may take several attempts before they reply, but your MP is duty-bound to reply to you. When they reply, be sure to thank them for their reply. It is a great idea to build a good relationship with your MP, to open up opportunities for ongoing dialogue.
Who else could I write to?
You are also able to write directly to Kier Starmer and Anneliese Dodds:
- To contact Number 10 and the Prime Minister there is a form available to you: https://contact.no10.gov.uk/
- To contact Anneliese Dodds, you can use her parliamentary email address: anneliese.dodds.mp@parliament.uk
Talk to your colleagues and the HR team at work about the importance of trans inclusion. Share some of these suggested resources with them to help bring about change in your workplace:
If you have a bit longer…
Engage in further learning about trans history and intersectionality as it is important to learn about the history of the struggle for trans, and understanding intersectionality between identities and how it affects trans people. Actively promoting positive change for trans people also means we all need to stand-up against all forms of bigotry wherever and whenever we see it – whether that’s among friends and family or even in the workplace. To the allies specifically – we need you to move away from echo chamber conversations and build a diverse thought pool.
Here are some great starting points:
You’ve written. You’ve tweeted. You may even have gone on a demo. But if you want your MP to understand, nothing beats a face-to-face meeting. Because for many MP’s, trans people are just another ‘issue’ they read about in the press. You might be the first trans person they have met ‘in the flesh’.
It’s a great way to put your concerns and issues directly. More important, you are there to educate.
There’s a great parliamentary resource that tells you pretty much all you need to know about getting to meet your MP.
Remember: your MP has a duty to respond to your queries and meeting the public is part of the job.
Arrange a meeting
You can arrange a meeting with your MP by writing to them, phoning their office, or attending one of their surgeries (regular sessions where they meet with constituents).
You can find your MP’s contact details on the Parliamentary website. If they have a website, there is likely to be information about the time and location of their regular surgeries – sometimes you might need to book a slot.
- explain why you want to meet
- highlight key points in your request
- be clear as to how you think they can help
- badger them, but don’t be afraid to follow up if you haven’t had a reply to your letters or calls
- insult them
- threaten them (implicitly or otherwise)
Meeting checklist
- Prepare beforehand. Write down what you want to say: questions you want to ask; points you want to make.
- If they will allow it, record the meeting – but always ask for permission first.
- Otherwise, make notes: write up what was said. Confirm it back to them by email after.
- Contact TransActual and/or any other trans organisation you support after the meeting to let them know how it went. policy@transactual.org.uk
Build the relationship
One meeting is good. But a relationship built on mutual respect and trust is even better. So don’t be afraid to go back.
In between meetings, keep the dialogue going, by writing to your MP, asking questions about their views on issues before parliament or in the news, and just engaging with them regularly. Remember: you can talk to them about any matters of concern, it doesn’t have to be trans related.
Join a political party or trade union and organise for trans rights within them or if you are already part of a party or union you can feed into talks about inclusivity and diversity. You should research the party and trade union before joining and check their track record on trans rights.
Write to companies and organisations that don’t have non-binary inclusive forms, as this is more likely to get a reply than only tweeting at them. Never underestimate the power of a letter. Use this template letter to a company for inspiration.
Joining a protest is a great way of making yourself visible and to show your support for trans rights. There are multiple protests and demonstrations, with a growing number of Trans Pride events around the UK.
If you do intend to join a protest here are several things you should think about before joining:
- Safety! Your health and safety is important. Make sure the protest you are going to is well organised including complying with local authorities, stewarded and has first aiders on hand.
- Ensure the protest is peaceful and avoid engaging with counter protesters.
- Also ensure the protest is accessible for your needs and others i.e. ample space for wheelchairs, ramps, seating and other essentials.
- If this is your first protest please try to ensure you are going with a friend or meeting a friend or someone you trust at the protest
- Know your rights and take rights information with you.
Take a look at the Green and Black Cross website for everything you need to know about your rights in relation to protesting and demonstrations.
Ensure you read your company’s policies and challenge any elements that aren’t inclusive, such as encouraging your employer to recognise non-binary members of staff and promote ethical and inclusive policies. Actively work with your company to implement inclusive hiring practices (e.g. having women/gender non-confirming and a person of colour on hiring panels), to have gender neutral toilets, use pronoun badges and be visible at local pride marches.
A good way to make a big impact is to volunteer with local trans led charities or organisations. Think about what time or skills you can give and have fun with it. It can be a rewarding experience and is a great way to engage with the community. Look at the volunteering pageto see if TransActual are recruiting volunteers or take a look at the member directory on the LGBT Consortium website for details of charities and organisations you can get involved with.
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