Responding to the release of the first UK census data to look specifically at the proportion of trans people in the UK population, jane fae, director of TransActual said: “I […]
Tag: jane fae
Reacting to the news today that she has received an OBE in the 2023 New Year’s Honours, Helen Belcher, Chair of TransActual UK, said:“I was very surprised to hear that […]

A quick canter through the anomalies of drug prescribing in the UK; what’s wrong with the system; and why, if you tried to design a system to make life difficult for trans kids you would be pushed to come up with a more toxic one.
BBC Cover-up?

It began with a piece on October 26 headlined lesbians pressured into sex by some trans women. There’s no demographic whose every member is pure as the driven snow. That is why we do not expect to read screeds based on dubious surveys by hate groups setting out the argument of that same hate group. Would the BBC run a story alleging some cis women are pressured into sex by lesbians?

Trans people have good reason to fear abuse of their data by big organisations. Recent legal developments, including a beefing up of the Data Protection Act and “GDPR” appear to provide protection. But is that protection adequate? And do organisations take any real notice of the law when it comes to data processing?

If you’re being messed about by your GP; if your GP is not taking you seriously or is failing to provide care you are entitled to; then our message is simple: complain! Complain loud. Complain long. And do not let go. Because trans healthcare in the UK is a disgrace. But medical practitioners get away with abysmal because people do not think it worth the while to complain.
Why? Because nothing ever happens to trans-hostile GPs. But do you know why nothing ever happens to them? Because no-one complains!