Features Law

Analysis of the December 2023 Guidance on the Public Sector Equality Duty

The new Public Sector Equality Guidance ultimately changes nothing, though it may lead some public bodies to act unlawfully.


A Call to Action

There are more and more obstacles being placed in the way of trans and non-binary people wishing to change their name. This also disproportionately affects other groups, such as survivors […]


Name Changes for Children and Young People

This memorandum summarises general legal information relating to the rights of transgender and/or non-binary individuals under UK law. It is not intended to give specific legal advice on which you […]


Name Change Processes

Historically, England and Wales have taken a laid-back approach to changing your name. Your registered name is what is printed on your birth certificate. However, the basic legal position is […]

Features Gender Recognition Law Transphobia

The Unending “Debate”

by Helen Belcher I’m really very tired of having my identity questioned. There’s a very binary way of thought which has gained credence across the UK media and other institutions […]

Features Law

MegaCorps — and the Abuse of Trans Data

Trans people have good reason to fear abuse of their data by big organisations. Recent legal developments, including a beefing up of the Data Protection Act and “GDPR” appear to provide protection. But is that protection adequate? And do organisations take any real notice of the law when it comes to data processing?

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