There are several private gender services which charge fees but which may have significantly shorter waiting lists than the NHS. You may wish to use these services while on the waiting list for an NHS service. It can overwhelming trying to choose which gender service to be referred to, but you can find useful tips on how to choose on our Choosing a Gender Service page.
An important note
This list is for information and should not be considered an endorsement of any particular practitioner(s) or clinic. Similarly, absence from the list does not imply that we would not endorse a particular practitioner or clinic. We cannot check the quality or safety of services on this page, it is your responsibility to do so before choosing a private provider.
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A disclaimer: TransActual do not provide medical, health, or legal advice. The content of this page is intended for information purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a medical professional. It is not a substitute for advice from a legal professional. We strongly suggest you consult a healthcare professional or legal professional for specific advice about your situation. TransActual do not advocate or recommend the purchase of any specific product and we do not endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider, any product or any provider of legal services.
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