Features Healthcare

I have no gender-affirming care and I must scream

In January 2022, I learnt about an NHS GIC pilot scheme, so I got myself moved to the waiting list for this. Doing this saved me potentially years of waiting, as some folks are still routinely waiting several YEARS for their first appointment alone!


Using my experience to help others

During my transition, I discovered packing boxers. I loved the idea and knew they would provide me with immense gender euphoria. However, every reputable brand was located overseas. My dysphoria used to be crippling and having to pay extortionate shipping fees for something I already hated myself for needing, intensified my discomfort.

Allies Features

How can trade unions show solidarity with the trans community in the face of the far right attacks?

This is a transcript of a speech given by Chay Brown, TransActual’s Director of Operations, at the 2023 TUC LGBT+ Conference. Please note that this is what Chay planned to say, and would have said had he not got side tracked!

Features Gender Recognition Transphobia

Reversing trans rights would be a constitutional nightmare – hopefully that’s enough to stop the Government from trying

The last few years have been dire for British trans people, with a constant churn of governments proposing whatever policies they can think of to make our lives harder.

Features Health Inequalities Healthcare Mental health

Trans Healthcare Attention Deficit Death Meditation

Being trans in 2023 means knowing deep in your bones that looking out to the world to confirm that you’re safe and that your needs will be met is simply not an option.

Features News

Why should I tell my MP that I’m afraid?

There are times to sit back and relax and there are times to step up and do something. And we’re most effective when we work together.

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