56T is a London based service which offers a range of trans specific services including sexual health screening, cervical cancer screening, counselling, hormone monitoring and administration of hormone injections (if you have a UK prescription).
Website: www.dean.st/trans-non-binary
Phone: 020 3315 5656
Black Beetle Health offer a range of resources specifically focussed on LGBTQ+ Black people and People of Colour.
Website: www.blackbeetlehealth.co.uk
Black Trans Foundation offer a therapy fund for UK based Black trans and non-binary people.
Website: opencollective.com/blacktransfoundation
Clinic T are Brighton based and offer STI testing and treatment, support with hormones (if you have a UK prescription), contraception, cervical cytology, vaccination, support and signposting.
Website: brightonsexualhealth.com/service/clinic-t
Phone: 01273 523388 (9:15 – 4:30, Monday to Friday)
CliniQ is a London based service which offers a variety of trans specific services including counselling, mentoring, hormone injections and monitoring, cervical cancer screening and sexual health screening.
Website: cliniq.org.uk
Deaf Rainbow have a range of resources for D/deaf trans people, including information on your rights to an interpreter at medical appointments.
Website: deafrainbowuk.org.uk/trans
G(end)er Swap is a clothing outreach organisation that supports trans and gender non-conforming people to access clothes and community.
Website: genderswap.org
LGBT Health and Wellbeing are a Scottish service who offer a number of support services including a helpline which can be accessed by phone, email or webchat.
Website: www.lgbthealth.org.uk
Email: helpline@lgbthealth.org.uk
Phone: 0300 123 2525 (12-9pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 1-6pm on Thursdays and Sundays)
LGBT Foundation offer a range of support services, including a helpline and wellbeing resources.
Website: lgbt.foundation
Email: helpline@lgbt.foundation
Phone: 0345 3 30 30 30 (9am – 9pm weekdays)
Live Through This is a cancer support and advocacy charity for LGBTIQ+ people affected by cancer.
Website: livethroughthis.co.uk
MindLine Trans+ is a national trans mental health support line. Support is available by phone.
Website: bristolmind.org.uk/help-and-counselling/mindline-transplus
Phone: 0300 330 5468 (8pm – midnight on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays)
The Rainbow Project works to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ people in Northern Ireland. Their website has details of the support that they can offer.
Website: www.rainbow-project.org
Email: info@rainbow-project.org
Phone: 028 9031 9030
Regard is a national organization for LGBTQI disabled people and can provide information, advice and support.
Website: regard.org.uk
QueerCare is a transfeminist autonomous care organisation, providing training, support and advocacy for trans and queer people.
Website: queercare.network
Spectra offer a range of trans specific services including mentoring, counselling, support groups and health advocacy.
Website: spectra-london.org.uk/trans-services
Switchboard are an LGBT+ specific helpline open 10am until 10pm every day. You can phone them, e-mail them or use their web chat function.
Website: switchboard.lgbt
Email: chris@switchboard.lgbt
Phone: 0300 330 0630
Transgender NI offer a range of Northern Ireland specific information, including details of local support services.
Website: transgenderni.org.uk
Trans Health Hub Brighton works in partnership with The Clare Project to help trans people to understand their rights relating to healthcare.
Website: www.brightonhealthandwellbeingcentre.co.uk/endorsed-external-links/trans-health-hub
Trans Support Service is a counselling and support service for people living in Liverpool, Sefton and Knowsley.
Website: https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool/trans-support-service
Email: tss.merseycare@nhs.net
Phone: 0151 317 8581
TranzWiki is a directory of trans focussed organisations. Visit TransWiki to find a local trans support group.
Website: www.gires.org.uk/tranzwiki
Umbrella Cymru offer a range of support for LGBTQ+ people in Wales. You can contact them by phone, by online chat, via their website, or by e-mail.
Website: www.umbrellacymru.co.uk
Email: info@umbrellacymru.co.uk
Phone: 0300 302 3670