You’ve written. You’ve Instagrammed. You may even have gone on a demo. But if you want your MP to understand, nothing beats a face-to-face meeting. For many MPs, trans people are just another ‘issue’ they read about in the press. Meeting you and hearing your story could help your MP understand the issues you face as a trans and/or non-binary person.
It’s a great way to put your concerns and issues directly to your elected representative. More importantly, you are there to educate them.
Remember: your MP has a duty to respond to your queries and meeting the public is part of the job.
5 Top Tips
1. You’re entitled to a meeting: It is part of an MP’s job to meet with their constituents and respond to their queries.
2. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert: It’s likely your MP isn’t an expert either. Telling them about your lived experience can be very impactful.
3. Research your MP: You can find information about your MP and their voting records on the TheyWorkForYou website.
4. Make a list of key points and questions: Think about what you want your MP to know and what you want to ask them.
5. Build the relationship: Follow up after the meeting and keep a dialogue going.
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