The case for a judicial review of the puberty blocker ban has now been heard. The judge, the Hon. Mrs Justice Lang, appears to have understood the seriousness of the case and we trust that she will be careful in coming to her judgement. As a community we now await a ruling which, we hope, will be handed down before the end of July.
Our thanks to all those who helped bring this case. To the parents that trusted us to talk about their children’s experiences; to our Healthcare Director, Chay Brown, who was a witness on behalf of TransActual; to Keyne Walker, who did sterling work live tweeting throughout the day; and to Sophia Rozalina who also attended on behalf of the board.
If you would like to read what went down in the courtroom, check out our thread at Whilst you are there, please follow us for updates, which we will be publishing as soon as we have them.
Thanks, too, to the team at Good Law Project, without whom we would not have been able to bring this case. Also, to Russell-Cooke solicitors, lead counsel Jason Coppel KC and the team of barristers who presented the legal challenge to the ban in court.
A shout-out for the young people from Trans Kids Deserve Better, whose presence in court today was a vivid reminder that this is not just some academic issue, but one that has direct impact on the lives and wellbeing of hundreds of young trans people. Last, but by no means least, a massive thank you to all our supporters, who have encouraged us to bring this case, and sustained us in taking it forward both through donations to the fundraiser, and by your many messages of support sent to us over the last few weeks.
We gave it our best shot, and we remain optimistic that the outcome will be positive.
Further Information
For further information email jane fae at